10:29 AM

Keepin' it Caj....FO M5475 Knickers

I made a cute pair of knickers over the long weekend. This is another part of my cruise wear installments. I have a bathing suit, sun dress, and formal dress to complete before Friday. Sounds like a lot, but actually, the fancy dress just needs to be hemmed and binding added to the neckline. I'm more nervous about the bathing suit, since I'm doing some alterations to the pattern. I haven't used my walking foot yet, either and will need to on this slippery Lycra fabric. The sundress is a simple knit pieces, so that'll be the last project.

Back to my knickers, they are really cute. I like that they are cuffed at the bottom with buttons on the leg band (even though my fabric choice makes it show up a bit less). This will be great for wearing on the ship or while exploring during some of the excursion time. I plan on wearing it with a simple tee, cami, or light sweater. I had this floral stretch cotton in my stash from Yardage Town for about a year now, so I'm glad to have used it up, now.

As far as my knitting goes, I should be practically finished my caplet. Well, indeed I am almost finished, until I realized I increased where I wasn't suppose to. The directions are so simple, but I didn't pay attention. There are 2 increase rows and then you just knit and purl for the rest of it. I continued to increase on the 3rd and 5th repeats. This has caused me to run out of yarn.

So...should I hand this to my roommie to rip it back to the 10th row or do I just get more yarn and enjoy it a bit more roomy?


Julie said...

another awesome outfit! you look fantastic. I'd rip it back- I wear mine all the time, and I can't imagine it any other way, though. So I'm biased!

Victoria said...

Too cute! You're going to look so great on your cruise. With all of your hard work, you surely deserve to!!!

gwensews said...

I am jealous of your cute knickers and your beautiful weather as I sit here in sweat pants looking at snow!

Faye Lewis said...

Cute and cruisey!

nikol.joi said...

really cute & casual.

Heather said...

those look great. Love your fabric choice.

Im Estee said...

Cute fabric, they look great on.

Opal said...

You are on a roll with your cruise wardrobe... This outfit looks great...

Cennetta said...

Yep, they are cute. Can't wait to see the entire cruise wardrobe.

Hilary said...

Ok, I think I've figured it out. You are buying all this stuff. How else could you be obtaining all this awesome, perfectly made clothing so quickly?!

Seriously though, these pants are so adorable. You are going to be the best dressed person on that cruise, and knowing that you made it all will feel soooo good!

julia said...

I hope you have a wonderful trip!!!

The Knitwit Hues said...

Have a GREAT time on the cruise! Will be waiting to see pics! :)

Rima said...

You should start your own store/designer stuff. I mean, you make great stuff!

Kathi said...

You have made such great items for your cruise! You will definitely be the best dressed person on the boat!

Lynneb said...

TOOO cute! Those pants just scream "Vacation!"