4:16 PM

FO - Butterick 4789 Pants vs. 2 & NL 6735 Top vs. 2

So I made this top last year before Christmas, but never got a chance to take a pic wearing it. I made these pants on Saturday using my new TNT (tried-n-true) pants pattern - Butterick 4789. Two pairs in two days - not bad.

In life news - I am trying to detox my life. I have been really stressed lately. I can see the stress on my face and even my body is being affected negatively. I am off to Bikram Yoga class this evening. Nothing like an hour and a half in a hot room doing Yoga poses to get out the negativity.

I'm also working on a grant for my Mother. She has done such wonderful and powerful things throughout her life and even in her sixties, she continues. She wants to start a local youth program in Vermont, helping disadvantaged kids to get training for finding and keeping jobs. I'll be working on the grant after hours along with my Sister (via telephone) every night until it's due in just a week and a half! Keep the prayers and good thoughts flowing that I'll have a strong and compelling grant that she can send off to the State for funding.

I have traced several patterns now during my lunch time, which I hope to get a start on this weekend. There's a Vogue top and skirt and New Look cardigan in my future plans.....stay tuned.


Ambitious Sewer said...

NICE turn out! with the pants and shirt combination...I wish you good luck with the grant. I hope all goes well.

Birgitte said...

Kudos to you and your mom and sis. There's not a more worthy cause than our children's future. Lots of goods thoughts your way.

Faye Lewis said...

Now how long did you say you've been sewing? Best wishes on your Mother's grant. I know how tedious grant writing can be.

Omega said...

Very nice, you are on a serious roll! I will being praying that the grant goes through for you mother, that is great and well worth the effort. Blessing to you mom for having the heart to do that.

Cas... said...

You're on a hot roll there deary! I'm very impressed by your sewing. You're doing a fabulous job.

Good Luck with the detoxing. We all can use some destressing for sure.

I'll put you on my prayer list for the grant. Your mother is doing some good work. I hope it all works out.

gwensews said...

Isn't it just too nice when you get pants that fit? Nice top too. Wishing you and yours success with your upcoming project.

Adrienne said...

Looks good girl!

Hilary said...

I am truly impressed that you can whip out great looking and great fitting pants like that. I tried to make pants once and, well...we won't talk about that.

I'll be praying for your mother's grant! It sounds like a wonderful program.

Sheila said...

Lovely top and paired with the pants... great ensemble. Good Luck with the grant.

Sewingadicta said...

You look very elegant in that pants!
Good luck with that wonderful program!