6:59 AM

Alive and Sneezing...ummm Kicking

I'm still here without any projects to show off...not the knitted variety or sewed kind! I've been having a horrible time with allergies. I've taken off from work, skipped my sewing classes, yet I'm still not feeling better and not having any projects finished. I am very close on two sewed items, a cotton dress for my Sister and a jersey knit dress for myself. I promise to try to have pics by the end of the weekend.

I purchased Custom Knits a few weeks back, in the hope of getting my knitting mojo back. No such luck, my friends. I did start on my custom dress form for Wendy's book at least. I'm going to get batting after work and stuff the inside. I also need to figure out a stand to add it to, since mine is lengthened to mid thigh.

As the saying goes: "if at first you don't succeed....". I have purchased two more knitting books; Boutique Knits by Laura Irwin and Glam Knits by Stefanie Japel. I think that a quick, smaller project will be a wise choice for me at this point. I really like the vintage style of the Boutique Knits projects and will try the hat on the cover, first.

I know the elections have been a hot topic, so I'll just add my two-cents by saying I was teary eyed all the way to the polls and am glad that change is possible. Despite any one's political views, I think it is safe to say that it is still obvious that this has been a monumental point in history for America and the world at large. My brother is 45 and in his lifetime there were still some segregated restaurants, which continued after the integration of schools. Now, people have a chance to see that truly anyone can be whatever they want, if they stand firm to their beliefs and keep moving forward. I toast the opportunity for change!


Hilary said...

Monumental indeed!

I hope you feel better soon -- nothing halts the crafting mojo like being all stuffed up. Can't wait to see your projects-in-progress, though.

Knitting Kris said...

It was an amazing election day! What excitement!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I haven't used the Harmony interchangeables, but I am really happy with the Harmony circular and straight needles that I have purchased from KP!
Hope your knitting mojo returns soon, although you have some gorgeous sewing projects!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon!

And yes, we need the change. :-)

Virtuous said...

Hope your are feeling better these days!

And that Boutique book is so cute!!

mle said...

Oh I know how bad allergies can be! hopefully they'll go away soon!
Don't worry, you'll get your knitting mojo back.

Robin said...

Sorry your allergies are extra bad this year. Can't wait to see your new projects when you finish them - I was in that mood for a small project last week when I made that mini-Clapotis, so I understand the feeling.

I couldn't have been more proud of our country for making the right decision on Tuesday night. It is unbelievable (and abominable!!) that within a 45 year old's lifetime, there was such a thing as segregated restaurants. I think we've come a long way, but probably still have a ways to go with some segments of the population, sadly. But at least we have told that segment loud and clear that we will not tolerate that type of backward thinking anymore.

Sorry to blog on your blog, strong feelings about the subject.

Susan said...

Thanks everyone! I have been sneeze free all morning.... *keeping fingers crossed that it'll continue* BTW. Completed my dress last night and have it on to go to brunch. Picks coming soon!

RobinH said...

Ah, I can see how San Diego weather might not be the most inspiring knitting New England it's getting darn cold (I've got a lap-kitty *all* the time!) and I am just all about the wool!

And gack, allergies! Deepest sympathy. May all the plant life cease trying to mate soon.

The election was amazing and inspiring. I'm very pleased that we've finally progressed to the point where it could happen.