6:17 AM

Goodness and Grace

Thanks everyone for all of the kind words, thoughts, & prayers. While circumstances haven't changed, my outlook has and that's a beautiful thing. I've been doing a fair amount of soul searching and examining and really trying to figure things out. All of your comments were a true blessing. Thanks again!

In knitting news - I am still plugging away at Orangina. I even managed to meet up with the girls at Mellow Wine Bar for Tuesday Knit Night. There was even a newcomer - from Ravelry. Of course I didn't get too much knitting done, but it was fun none the less.

I will plug away at lunch today and see if I can get to the joining portion of the project. I have so many new projects on my queue I can't stand that I'm working on a project I've already completed once! More to come....


Robin said...

I'm glad the words of support were valuable to you. I'm not sure if you said what was going on/what happened, but if you ever want to share, I'm here.

Ilix said...

Well, hope that you keep that new outlook! Can't wait to see what you are knitting! Don't you love making new friends on Ravelry!?!

Hilary said...

Your first paragraph reminded me of part of a sermon I heard recently about how prayer doesn't always work to change our circumstances/surroundings, but the important thing is that it changes *us*. That's not always easy for me to understand! But it sounds like you've got an amazing perspective on things.

Kara said...

Hope things get better for you. I am sure you will figure things out. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I really appreciate your comment.

Anonymous said...

That's right, it's all about attitude! With that outlook on things, things will get better.

Virtuous said...

Gurl if it is one thing that God keeps showing me is once I change my perspective He will move things!

Stay encouraged!!