11:09 AM

Raw & Living Food - Day Nine

I am only an inch away from splitting the Summer-time Tunic front to shape the armholes. I'm planning on knitting for part of my lunch to get to that point today. I want to show progress pics - but it won't look any different until I get to that part of the pattern.

In other news - I have been eating 100% raw and living vegan foods for nine days...well today is day nine. Since I've started, my parents and sister have all joined me (via telephone since they live in Vermont)on my raw journey. Here's a pic of my lunch. I'm having mini-eggplant pizzas, collard green salad, and spicy jicama fries. Breakfast was a juicy pineapple and later today for snack I brought mango and cherries. Not too shabby for healthy food! If I keep this up - as I plan to, I'll be able to use a bit less yarn for my projects.

While I haven't done much in the world of quilting, a friend of mine and I have decided to get together to sew. She makes wonderful clothes, which I've always wanted to do in addition to knitting and quilting. I'll be sooo excited to start making clothes.


Virtuous said...

OOh that actually does look yummy!

So even the collard greens are not cooked at all??

Can't wait to see your tunic!

WandaWoman said...

That raw food diet sounds pretty interesting. Your food looks good and tasty!

Robin said...

Very interesting on the raw food - have you noticed any differences in how you look or feel yet after nine days?

Can't wait to see what you sew!

Susan said...

By marinating the collard greens, it takes on a cooked taste and texture, but is still raw. I have lost 10 pounds so far and my tummy is flattening out, which is great. My scale includes a bodyfat analysis and happily it's actual fat that I'm losing and not water weight.

Carmell said...

hmmm.... raw food... i don't think i could do it!
i wish i had friedns that were crafty. all mine expect me to do eveything for them!
tunic is CUTE!!!

carlita dee said...

That food looks DELICIOUS! And you've already lost 10 pounds? That's hot.

I'll be checking into this raw food thing. Thanks for posting about it.