5:30 PM

Birthday Weekend & Actually Knitting Content

This will be a heavy photo post and a possible roomie duplicate. Brandi and I had a blast last night with the Infinite Knitters group. While it usually meets on Monday nights at the Starbucks on Genesee, I have my sewing class – which I opted to skip for the meet-up. Well Brandi invited the group for an at home adventure chez nous. It was such a great time. Margaret brought her spinning wheel, Nancy brought her knitting machine, and Liz brought some Lonesome Stone Fibers yarn. The vibe was so warm and friendly. The cats were just as excited to see new faces and to attempt some yarn/roving fondling of their own….lol

It was great to get a little more knitting progress done on my Boutique Knits hat. I have completed the headband and ruffle portion and am onto picking up the stitches for the slouchy hat. Of course I’m going to have to figure out how to sew a complimentary…something to go with this FO, once it’s complete.

In sewing news – I am failing miserably at my fiber diet. I am constantly buying fabric from multiple sources online as well as Yardage Town and Joann’s. Last week I made 3 trips to Yardage Town, 2 trips to Joann’s, and made an online purchase at Gorgeous Fabrics,, and an online store search for Ermenegildo Zegna fabric, as well. STOP THE MADNESS! I am going to attempt to make a nice pair of slacks tonight with one of my purchases.

My 34th birthday was on Sunday (yup, Pearl Harbor Day). I had a nice, but low-key weekend. I was a bit in the dumps earlier in the week and was treated to a fab Christmas tree from my roomie. Brandi and I decorated it on Friday. It’s a 6 footer and smells great. It’s on our porch where Scofield is unable to get at it and knock it over. Lol. A wise compromise to not having a live tree at all.

I went for sashimi on Saturday & watched a local game with my roomie later that evening. Created a birthday top with one of my fabric finds (not my favorite FO, but cute enough to wear again to work), and finally gave my dress form a name…..Sookie Stackhouse from True Blood a household fav. My running joke is that a successful FO gets a “Sookie Sookie now”.

That’s it for now. Back on my raw food before the holidays and feeling good about how it’s going so far. I’m already down one pattern size for my new projects. Here’s hoping to going down a few more.


Sarah said...

Your knitting gathering looked so fun, just from the pictures! Eh, you can never have too much fiber, it's impossible.

Anonymous said...

Try not to feel bad about the fiber/fabric diet...we all need a vice! And this one really isn't so bad.

brandilion said...

It was so much fun! I'll upload my pics soon. If I wasn't so lazy I would host more regularly :)

Lesalicious said...

Looks like you had a ball this weekend. Happy late bday. Hope you had fun on your bday.:)

WandaWoman said...

Good luck on the raw food diet. And Happy Belated Birthday!

Hilary said...

Looks like you've got a great group! Happy birthday, too, though I am a week and a half late!