1:00 PM

Secret Pal Question 2 & 3

Ha! I'm behind for sure - so I'm doubling up on my Secret Pal Questions.

Question 2: As a kid, what did you look forward to most about summer vacation/break/holiday?

I loved going camping. My Brother was in the army by then, but my Sister and I got to enjoy traveling around in a nice sized trailer along with families from our local Church and with the Good Sam Club. We'd even venture to Canada to camp. Singing by the fire, swimming, chasing boys! Ain't life grand. Also, like dear Robin, I lurved to read. I actually thought I'd become a gazillionnaire by inventing a water proof book. Doesn't everyone read in the shower and on the toilet as a kid?

Question 3: What would you consider the perfect amount of stash?

I agree with Beccalou, a couple Ikea bookshelves worth is a fair amount if you're not an advanced, "professional" knitter.


Andrea said...

I read on the toilet. Those were the good old days. My mother use to bang on the door laughing. She'd say "Did you get to a good part, or did you fall in." Sometimes my butt would hurt from sitting in there for like an hour.

Lara said...

Reading this post brought back some great camping memories with my family. I love it! Those are times you will always remember.